Try Island Joe's Coffee

Dive Season Getting Shorter?

Okay, for all of us divers living in the Great State of Florida....what happen to the diving season?
This is the sunshine state correct? Warm, balmy temperatures most of the time. Why is the dive season so short for the majority of divers? Seems like the dive season gets shorter and shorter each year. There seems to be a few hard core divers that dive all year but most of the divers think the only season available to dive is memorial day through labor day. Whats up with that?

Dive Deals

Just came back up from South Florida today. Anyone looking for some great sales on dive
gear should check out Force E dive shops down there. They are having their big
annual tent sale this weekend.

Tropical Storm Fay

Getting ready to batten down the hatches here. Hope everyone sails smoothly through
Mother Nature's rath.

The next JOK Cousteau

Here is the next generation of divers.
Grandson "JOK"
John Owen Kennington

Dolphin Speak

Anyone ever dive Lake Denton? Avon Park, Fl.

Hello Fellow Divers

Just a new blog to create interest in the diving community around the world. Stay tuned
