Dive Safety

Okay divers, we are in the middle of dive season here in Florida (yes there is a season in Florida)and now we will be seeing a surge in dive activity with the opening of lobster season this week. With "mini season" upon us it is time for divers and boaters to be extra cautious on or in the water. There have been quite a few diving related injuries here recently and its time for people step back and regroup. Recently there was a diver scalloping who was run over by a boat and subsequently died from the injuries. According to reports his dive flag was properly displayed while he was in the water but evidently the boater failed to either see it or fathom its importance.
This was a tragic incident and absolutely could have been avoided. Divers, be aware of boating traffic and don't assume just because the flag is flying high that the uneducated boater gives a hoot about it. Maybe a new campaign is needed?
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