Dive Training Too Quick these days!

Lets get back to some real "basic training" in the dive industry. Classes now days and for some time now have been reduced to two or three days including the open water checkout dives. Divers need more time in the pool working on basic skills. I don't mean a few hours in one day and then off to Mother Ocean. Many divers now days are not sent out into the deep blue with the level of confidence that is required. Confidence is obtained by practice, practice and more pratice. I think the dive industry should raise the standards in regards to skill training and the number of open water dive requirements. What do you think?
3 Responses
  1. Lynne Wilson Says:

    I agree with you about needing practice to build confidence. Unfortunately the public doesn't realize that all certifying agencies are not equal. Some still require 20 hours of classroom and additional hours of pool work or confined water practice before the open water dives. My concern goes further to allowing the age limit to be lower. Some 10 year olds can handle it, but they are far and few between. This scares me because they are often without fear of anything.

  2. kwcapt Says:

    Very well said. You have to be very careful with taking on 10 year olds. Some do very well and even better than some adults. You are right however, there is no fear. A little fear is a good quality in my opinion. Makes us a more responsible diver in most cases.

  3. Hanid Says:

    It is a nice Idea! Easy to learn scuba diving through this quick basic training many of us can be educate in scuba diving. Please visit http://www.joediveramerica.com/ for a low scuba vest and scuba gloves