Scuba Diving Key West Florida

How many of you have been scuba diving in Key West? The majority of diving you read about in the Florida Keys is about Key Largo, the dive capital of the U.S. Key West on the other hand consistently seems to gather very little ink in the pages of the popular dive magazines or multitudes of current blogs and social networks. Yes, granted, the Conch Republic is duly noted for its live and let live atmosphere, I know, I have worked and lived there and miss it dearly. But I also miss its diving. Most of the dive locations I took divers to were the same that all the shops took paying customers to. Cayman Salvage master, Joe's Tug, Alexanders Wreck and of course the numerous reef locations such as Western Sambos, Sand Key Light, Western Dry Rocks ( one of my favorites ) Rock Key and the list goes on. The wreck site Joe's Tug had been one of the popular dive locations in Key West, post card perfect most of the time but mother nature and time has slowly reduced this dive to mere rubble. Its about time a new wreck is placed on the bottom. Not only will it offset the stress on the fragile reef system but it will offset Key West's economy and place Key West on the top of the list of popular dive destinations. Check out and read about what's coming in December.
1 Response
  1. Anne Says:

    i love scuba diving.i started doing this as my hobby when i was in classmates and i usually doing this..amazing..
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