New Spearfishing Club in Panhandle

Its been a while since I posted but I just returned from a trip up to the Panhandle of Florida. There is a great new spear club located near Eglin Airforce base called the Panhandle Predators. Whether you live there or are visiting check them out at

There is some great spearfishing on numerous artificial reefs up there.


Headline Diving News

Scuba Class Pricing

Why is it that dive centers and instructors give away their instruction? I have seen so many shops throughout Florida advertising SCUBA as cheap as $49.00? Don't you want to make money in business? Not every student is going to come in your door and purchase a complete set of equipment from you. In the old days maybe so. Lack of the internet contributed to a higher loyalty rate than now days. Shoppers can find more deals on line than you can shake a stick at. Hey I like to shop on line like the rest of them. A good open water SCUBA class probably consists of 35-40 hours of training including academics, confined water and open water training. Seems to me that all the effort and finances that got you where you are, able to train and certify new divers should be worth more than $49.00! Anyone agree with this?

Old Regulators

Divers, don't throw away your old regulators. Recycle them. I will buy them from you if the price is right. Email me at and let me know what you have.

Cressi Big Eyes

I have been using the Cressi Big Eyes mask now for over 8 years. It is comfortable with large lenses which give you a great field of vision while maintaining a low profile. 100% Silicone and supported by Cressi's warranty. This mask is a great price from Amazon. If you are looking for a quality SCUBA mask, this is the one you should try.


Dive Safety

Okay divers, we are in the middle of dive season here in Florida (yes there is a season in Florida)and now we will be seeing a surge in dive activity with the opening of lobster season this week. With "mini season" upon us it is time for divers and boaters to be extra cautious on or in the water. There have been quite a few diving related injuries here recently and its time for people step back and regroup. Recently there was a diver scalloping who was run over by a boat and subsequently died from the injuries. According to reports his dive flag was properly displayed while he was in the water but evidently the boater failed to either see it or fathom its importance.
This was a tragic incident and absolutely could have been avoided. Divers, be aware of boating traffic and don't assume just because the flag is flying high that the uneducated boater gives a hoot about it. Maybe a new campaign is needed?

Custom Dive Graphics for diving community

I can provide you with custom printed decals and other graphics including laser engraved and cut specialties. If you want custom VIP stickers or specialty decals
just email for a quote. No set up fee and no minimums. Need your favorite dive picture on a tile mural, laptop,almost anything will take a laser image. Need custom engraved graphics for your speargun? Regulators permanently marked with name or graphics. Contact

Web Scuba Shop

While out there surfing the web, I found a website called webscubashop nice graphics and shopping for dive stuff including gear, posters,videos and dive realted auction listings in one spot. Check it out.

Visit Diverdown town

Just for fun, try visiting this link to diverdown city. Everytime someone visits, it becomes more populted. Start your own city at

Its free and no registration or email required.

Vandenberg T Shirt Design

New T Shirt for Vandenberg Wreck Fans. If you are interested $16.99 from Please specify color, white or ash grey. Shipping $4.95. Buy two and get free shipping!


Hogfish, it's whats for dinner!

Here is a great twist to the old beef slogan

You gotta read this one

Be a diver

T Shirts available

If you are interested in Vandenberg custom T Shirts contact me at

Oriskany Custom License Plate Available

For all of you who have been on the USS Oriskany here is a custom mirrored license plate just for you. $16.99 plus $4.95 Shipping.Contact or pay with paypal buy it now button.

Boat Diving

Not all of us have our own private boat from which to dive. Sooner or later you are going to find yourself in a diving location that requires a boat trip to the dive site. Most resort diving that you will do most likely will involve a commercial diving operation to shuttle you out to the best diving locations.(Such as the Vandenberg in Key West) After you have checked in and shown your proof of certification card and logbook you will probably be directed to the diving locker or gear issue room to gather any equipment you may need. If you are a seasoned diver, I hope you have your own personal equipment and only need to rent tanks and or weights. If you were trained properly you learned the importance of owning your own equipment. Oh, don't forget to bring sunscreen along, a hat and sunglasses are great too. The sun is even stronger out on the water. Protect yourself from it.
Most full service dive centers will have already loaded tanks for the divers on the boat so you will most likely be directed to the boat to begin equipment setup prior to the boat departing. Experienced dive operations will have the crews pay extra attention during the setup phase. Many errors can be observed and a sense of diver "know how" can be attained during this time. You can always tell divers who haven't been diving in sometime by the way they "forget" how to setup the gear. Good crews will offer professional assistance and hopefully engage in polite conversation regarding the last time you dove, how many dives, any issues they need to be aware of. Some divers check in as if they were just diving with Jacque Cousteau himself, yet the truth be known they haven't even been in the ocean before.
Bring your equipment on board in a dive bag. Work from the dive bag and keep items beneath the benches or seating area. Watch out for fellow divers equipment. Weight belts go on the floor. NOT the BENCH PLEASE. If Mr. Gravity takes over and the weights fall they will always land on the dive masters foot. Guaranteed. Not a good way to begin (or end) your dive. Photography gear should be placed on a camera table if available. Keep a dry bag or container to keep those important items dry.
Prior to departure or enroute to the dive site you should receive a required boat and coast guard safety briefing. Regardless of how many different boats you have been diving on, PAY ATTENTION! Every boat and every dive operation is a little different. The information they pass on is not only informative about the dive but may prevent injury or death in the event of an emergency. Yes, your on vacation but do everyone a favor and listen up. If you don't have a dive buddy, the crew will assign one of the other single divers on the boat. Get to know him or her.
Don't be shy. Talk to each other about your diving experience and review hand signals and what to do if problems arise, i.e., lost buddy, check each others equipment out. Make sure someone has a dive watch or time keeping device. I have seen numerous divers show up to dive and not have a watch, computer or other device to keep track of bottom time. This should be a no brainer. Sometime prior to arriving at the dive location the crew will usually tell you to start getting ready.
Time to get your wetsuit on (if thermal protection is necessary) gather your mask,fin, snorkel and prep everything. No Fog, strap adjustments and so forth.
Sit down in front of your equipment (assuming they have tank racks, remember each operation and boat is different)strap in and get ready to move to the dive exit when instructed by the crew. Wait for a crew member to escort you to and from your seat. Boats rock, people loose balance, weebles do fall down. Usually on the dive master.
Prior to entry, your mask should be properly in place with the regulator in your mouth. Another Final air check.
If you listen to the crew brief the dive then you know which way to go, what to look for, any hazards that may or may not be involved and what time to return to the boat. Make every attempt to return on time. Captains tend to get a little nervous when divers are not back on time. It's not because lunch is waiting back at the dock either. If you begin to feel motion sickness at anytime, get into the fresh air. Stay out of the cabin if there is one, away from any diesel fumes. Fix your eyes on the horizon or some stationary object. If you have no choice but to let it go, then get downwind or at least over the rail. Don't wait till the last minute when you can't make it. Do not go down below to the head. Worst thing you could ever do. You will get sick there and the Dive Master has to clean it up. Once the dive is over and you are back at the dock, don't forget to tip the crew. That is how most of them manage to make a living. If there were issues see the shop manager and politely let them know of your problems or concerns. Remember play hard, enjoy the dive and follow the rules. Dive Safe!

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Vandenberg Custom Mirror License Plates Available

Custom Mirrored License plates depicting the Vandenberg. Only a limited number of these are available. $19.99 plus $4.95 shipping. Use paypal button or Contact kwcapt@c for info

Scavenger Hunt - Vandenberg History Tour

Divers can now participate in an underwater scavenger hunt that was initiated by a local Key West diver and artist. Clues were welded to areas of the wreck for diver to find. Pieces of the ships history can be found throughout the wreck. Dive shops sell plastic slates with scavenger hunt questions on one side and a drawing of the ship on the other.

Us old guys need this now

For all you baby boomers and advanced in age divers (like me) here is something for you and me.
Come visit my store on CafePress!

Try Island Joe's Coffee

Link to Vandenberg Sinking

For those of you who missed the live on line feed of the sinking due to demand, here is a link to the Key West Citizen in Key West showing the sinking. Video is courtesy
of the Monroe Country Tourist Development Board

Just paste it to your browser

Vandenberg wreck on the bottom1

Congrats to all who were involved in the successful sinking of Key West's newest world class dive. The Vandenberg was officially sunk at 10:21 this morning and divers confirm she is sitting upright with her keel in the sand.

Todays the day!

To Quote Mel Fisher "Todays the Day" well actually tomorrow. I assume that the Vandenberg is anchored over her final destination and sometime in the morning the dive community will have a new site that will open up a new era in Lower Keys and Key West diving opportunity. If you can't make the sinking.....log on to and click on the live video feed link. Live video starts
at 9:30

See you on the bottom soon! Dive Safe, play hard and follow the rules.

Dive Buddy

So you have all your equipment serviced, taken the refresher and your ready to splash in on your long awaited vacation. So who is your dive buddy? Divers forget one important item in the get yourself ready to dive equation. THE BUDDY SYSTEM Oh sure we all learned about dive buddies in our open water course but how many times have you been diving and all of a sudden he or she wasn't there? A good dive buddy is one of the most important mix to the dive equation. Regardless of those divers who say the buddy system is same ocean, same day......they still have that feeling of security and comfort knowing that a good buddy is a breath away. Pick your buddies wisely....dive together regular and support one another by being that breath away on every dive. You never know when you are going to need assistance. Plan your dive and dive your plan. Pick a good dive buddy.

Some Reggae Music for ya

Things resort divers use to say.....

If I drop my weightbelt will it go all the way to the bottom?

Does the water go all the way around this island?

How many sunsets a day are there?

Dive Computer Batteries

Just a quick note to remind you that when you get your equipment serviced and ready for the new diving season be sure to have the battery changed out in your dive computer as well. Batteries being what they are, its an inexpensive move to secure
piece of mind during your dives.

Vandenberg Scheduled for Sinking

Divers have been waiting a long time, holding their breath in anticipation of the sinking of the Vandenberg. Of course, scuba diver shouldn't be holding their breath if they were trained correctly right?

The sink date is May 27th provided all goes as planned and Mother Nature (who is also a diver ) cooperates.

Plan your dive and dive your plan.

Vandenberg Festivities Begin

For those of you interested in attending the festivities starting this weekend, here is some information taken from the Vandenberg site.

After years of planning, the sinking of USNS Gen. S Hoyt Vandenberg will finally become a reality! This is your chance to become a part of this exciting moment in history by participating in the many celebrations planned in the weeks to come.
There will be a series of events starting this Sunday May 17th with a kick-off cocktail party at the Harry S. Truman Little Whitehouse on Whitehead Street from 5 pm until 8 pm. All are welcome to join and the $10 admission fee includes hor’dourves and rum punch as well as a silent auction.
Next, on Monday, May 18th at 8 pm, come and enjoy live entertainment by the Ohio based ARK band at the Island Dogs Bar at 505 Front Street. This band featuring native St. Lucian brothers has their own style of Reggae blending Soca and Calypso beats with their repertoire of original and cover material. They believe that Reggae is a powerful force that brings together people of all ages, races and lifestyles.
On Tuesday May 19th from 5 pm until sunset, come enjoy a Happy Hour Party at the Westin Resort, located at 245 Front Street, followed by a “Whatever sinks your boat” Party from 7 pm until 11 pm at the Schooner Wharf Bar at the foot of William Street with entertainment once again by the outstanding ARK Band. There will also be a 50/50 raffle and a presentation of the movie Virus starring Jamie Lee Curtis, William Baldwin and Donald Sutherland, filmed on the USNS Vandenberg.
Come enjoy more great reggae music on Wednesday, May 20th at 9 pm with a party at the Green Parrot Bar at the corner of Southard and Whitehead Street, again featuring the ARK Band. On Thursday, May 21st at 9 pm Rick’s Bar at 208 Duval Street will host a Martini Party that is sure be a blast.
After a weekend full of Key West’s own Memorial Day festivities, the celebration continues on Tuesday, May 26th at 6 pm with a cocktail party at the Guy Harvey’s Island Grill at 511 Greene Street followed by a party at Rick’s/Durty Harry’s at 9 pm located at 208 Duval Street. On Wednesday May 27th at 7 pm come enjoy rum specials and live entertainment at the Rum Barrel at 585 Front Street. The final celebration to wrap up the festivities will be a concert featuring Howard Livingston and the Mile Marker 24 Band and much more to commemorate this unique Key West milestone!

Vandenberg Tee Shirts Available

If you plan on diving the Vandenberg then you need one of these collector T shirts.
$23.95 includes two bumper decals. Contact

How about an affordable place to stay in key west

Okay, if you have ever visited the Florida Keys and Key West then you are aware of the cost of accomodations for a night or two. Particularly around the major events like Fantasy Fest or any other major celebration in the Conch Republic. When the Vandenberg is resting peacefully on the bottom in 147' of salty brine, where is the huge influx of divers going to stay affordably? With the economy the way it is can't some of these local hotels and guest houses offer some reasonable rates for the divers that can't afford the outrageous rates that are typical of the Florida Keys and Key West? Lots of divers are coming Key West, where you going to put them?

Cave Diver License Plate

For all of you cave divers or wreck divers. Great gift for you or the favorite diver in your life. $16.99 plus $4.95 shipping. Email for more info or use the paypal button.

Vandenberg Mirror License Plates

Custom Mirrored License plates depicting the Vandenberg. Only a limited number of these are available. Contact for info

Time to refresh

Hey Divers, winter is over (even in florida) and its time to break out all of that gear you worked so hard on acquiring during your Scuba career. With the Vandenberg
soon to be on the bottom in Key West my guess is there will be plenty of world class diving now in the southernmost city. Take your gear to your local dive shop and get that service done now. Sign up for a refresher course and hit the water.

The wait is almost over

Finally, the Vandenberg is in tow as I write this. She left Virginia this weekend past and is currently off of the Carolina's somewhere in route to her final resting spot in Key West. The Vandenberg will be tied up at one of the piers in Key West in anticipation of her sinking sometime between now and June 1st. My best guess says Memorial Day weekend might be the target since she was initially slated for the deep drop during the Memorial Day holiday a couple of years ago. The Vandenberg will be the second largest artifical reef in the U.S. a bit longer than the Spiegel Grove in Key Largo. Divers, get ready and book your dives....Key West is on the map again for some premier diving. Thanks go to Joe and the many others who are making the dream come true.

Vandenberg Anchors Arrive in Key West

The Vandenbergs anchors have arrived in Key West by truck in preparation for the future sinking of the Keys newest and largest artificial reef. Stay tuned to the latest info on

Custom mirrored license plates depicting the Vandenberg are now available for order. Just email me at for more info.

Custom Line Arrows and Cookies

If you are looking for some custom line arrows (any color) laser engraved with graphics and/or text let me know. I make custom items for the diving community.
Minimum 12

Riffe Speargun Sold

The blue water riffe speargun has been sold.

Been a while

Its been a while since the last post and am finally going to try and keep this blog
updated with related diving goodies. As for the Vandenberg, she is due to arrive in
Key West sometime in April. Actual sink date has not been published yet but you
can check out the latest info at
I am sure she will be scuttled prior to the 2009 hurricane season which begins in June. Stay tuned for updates and more stuff